Consumer power is increasing more and more nowadays, so much so that most of them are able to claim customized products (instead of simply accepting the products in the way they are manufactured). Nowadays, people have the ability to raise their own voice and their own desires. It is no coincidence that the biggest technology companies start creating their products from these very same desires by making their online presence more and more intense.
KOTSOVOLOS recognizes this trend and places it as the vision and philosophy of the new campaign “We start with you”. The campaign is centered on the man whom is treated as someone with a strong voice and personality, who demands and claims and is entitled to have the products that respond precisely to their own needs. This shift in priorities puts the needs of customers on the podium and products that do not cover them aside. This whole philosophy is represented in a series of films where we watch a shop full of tech products which. The movies end with the signature “KOTSOVOLOS. Here, ‘’We start with you “.